I can't thank you enough for helping me quit smoking. You gave me everything I needed to get through the first few weeks of cravings and beyond. I was amazed to find I could even enjoy a cup of coffee without 'wanting' a cigarette! The key for me was when you said from now on I was free from tobacco. I never thought of smoking as a form of bondage, but it sure is and I am a free spirit. Once I realized I had been a slave to cigarettes I was even more determined to quit.

People frequently ask me if I'm still off the cigarettes - fully expecting me to say that I couldn't do it ... I am so proud and grateful to say and know that I will never smoke again.

My daughter recently went to a hypnotherapist in Atlanta for help in quitting, but within two weeks was smoking again. I wish she was in Florida and could go to you. You are tops in your field. Thank you for everything :)

Teri Lake
Client 4 Months as a Permanent Non Smoker